ترف الطيب. ترف

] with which one drinks gift not given to any one before; or of which the recipient did not possess the like, and which pleases him; or novel, or rare, and pleasing, present]
] b2: Good, sweet, or pleasant, food

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هكذا تقتحم القدس Poem by عمر أبو ريشة
Mgh, and so in the CK
A2: A thing protuberant in the middle of the upper lip, by nature
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Protuberance of the upper lip, pouting b2: And the former verb, assumed tropical: It a plant, or herbage, was, or became, luxuriant, flourishing, succulent, or sappy; or bright and fresh, by reason of plentiful irrigation
] One left to do what he will; not prevented from doing so


هكذا تقتحم القدس Poem by عمر أبو ريشة
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