However, one of the more interesting chapters Chapter 8 of the original work was excluded by the Translator | This books is best for someone to know very specific and precise details of the Prophet's habits grooming, eating, etiquette, etc |
Still, it's always good t So, at long last, I finished this book | It's a bit embarrassing that it took me this long, but I've just been really bad at reading lately |
; The Description of the Prophet's Character including his dealing with his Wives; his Shyness and Joking etc | May Allah reward abundantly the translator Abdul Aziz Suraqah who has rendered an immense service to humanity, by conveying a very readable and enjoyable text; not only has the translator translated the original text masterfully, but has also included throughout the text footnotes, clarifying some of the narrations |
Good translation, very good at communicating ideas | The book deserves five stars on content alone, though for some reason, even reading about the Prophet ﷺ couldn't get me back to my old reading habits |
It's the glue that holds all the pieces together - without the glue there is no whole, likewise, without the Prophet, there is no Islam.