شمائل الرسول. وسائل الوصول الى شمائل الرسول by يوسف النبهاني

However, one of the more interesting chapters Chapter 8 of the original work was excluded by the Translator This books is best for someone to know very specific and precise details of the Prophet's habits grooming, eating, etiquette, etc
Still, it's always good t So, at long last, I finished this book It's a bit embarrassing that it took me this long, but I've just been really bad at reading lately


شمائل الرسول
The book deserves five stars on content alone, though for some reason, even reading about the Prophet ﷺ couldn't get me back to my old reading habits
موقع السراج
There's nothing wrong with the book, so it definitely deserves the full score
شمائل الرسول
For a more general understanding of who he was, I'd check out Muhammad Karen Armstrong or the First Muslim
; The Description of the Prophet's Character including his dealing with his Wives; his Shyness and Joking etc May Allah reward abundantly the translator Abdul Aziz Suraqah who has rendered an immense service to humanity, by conveying a very readable and enjoyable text; not only has the translator translated the original text masterfully, but has also included throughout the text footnotes, clarifying some of the narrations
Good translation, very good at communicating ideas The book deserves five stars on content alone, though for some reason, even reading about the Prophet ﷺ couldn't get me back to my old reading habits

It's the glue that holds all the pieces together - without the glue there is no whole, likewise, without the Prophet, there is no Islam.

البحث عن شمائل النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام
The Shama'il literature mainly deals with but is not exclusive to the Mohammedan Description and Character
📘 قراءة وتحميل كتاب شمائل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم (ت: حمودة) ⏤ محمد عيسى الترمذي أبو عيسى 2021
How, before others, we have defiled his memory - God forbid
📘 قراءة وتحميل كتاب شمائل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم (ت: حمودة) ⏤ محمد عيسى الترمذي أبو عيسى 2021
The Shama'il literature mainly deals with but is not exclusive to the Mohammedan Description and Character