المدائن. Al

One year later, al-Mada'in was recaptured by al-Ma'mun's Persian officer , and by the next year, Iraq was once again under the control of al-Ma'mun In 590, a member of the , repelled the newly ascended Sasanian ruler from Iraq, and conquered the region
Veh-Ardashir was populated by many wealthy Jews, and was the seat of the During his reign, some of the great fame of al-Mada'in decreased, due to the popularity of Khosrau's new winter residence, Dastagerd

When the Muslim military officer and one of the companions of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad arrived to al-Mada'in, it was completely desolated, due to flight of the , nobles, and troops.

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In 696, the Kharjite leader briefly occupied al-Mada'in
منتديات مدائن البوح
The terms of the treaty was that the inhabitants of Rumiya were allowed to leave if they wanted to, but if they did not, they were forced to acknowledge Muslim authority, and also pay tribute
الفتح الإسلامي لمدينة المدائن عاصمة بلاد فارس
Nevertheless, the patriarch founded a hospital at al-Mada'in in 790
The southern side of al-Mada'in was known as Aspanbar, which was known by its prominent halls, riches, games, stables, and baths 1623-40 and was further restored in 1904-1905
In 973, the Turkish rebel seized al-Mada'in and much of Iraq from Mu'izz al-Dawla's son and successor , however in 974 al-Mada'in was once again under Buyid control, and by 975 the rebels were defeated The battle ended in a Buyid victory, and resulted in the reconquest of al-Mada'in and the rest of Iraq

In 754, the Abbasid caliph briefly held his court at Rumiya which was included in al-Mada'in.

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809—813 , and his brother r
In 661, al-Mada'in was under control of the , which had put an end to the Rashidun Caliphate
A companion of the Islamic prophet , was one of these Arab leaders from Kufa, and is known to have had a Christian or Jewish woman from al-Mada'in as his wife, who, he, however, was forced by the to divorce because of the population of marriageable Muslim women in the metropolis was enough to marry
'Adud al-Dawla eventually managed to emerge victorious, and conquer all of Iraq They then openly revolted, and attacked the leader of the mosque and his supporters, with ended in a Muslim defeat
Seljuq period and Abbasid insurgency [ ] In 1055, the ruler of the , , invaded Iraq and made the Buyid ruler of the region, , his vassal The Arabs then attacked Ctesiphon, and seized some parts of al-Mada'in

One year later, Khosrau II, with aid from the , reconquered his domains.

فتح المدائن
In 628, a deadly plague hit al-Mada'in and the rest of the western part of the Sasanian Empire, which even killed Khosrau's son and successor,
902—908 further ruined al-Mada'in by digging it up for building materials to construct the in Baghdad
فتح المدائن
However, a portion of Persians remained there, and some important figures of these people are known to have provided with presents, which he, however, refused to take