Our aim is to bring to you huge savings on your weekly grocery bills while making shopping easy and fun | |
Feel free to contact us at support clicflyer | Browse flyers, learn about offer discounts, directly search and save offers, create your own shopping list and locate stores to grab the best offers |
Connect retailers with shoppers to provide a focused communication medium for their offers and promotions, with effective retail analytics services.
23For easy access while shopping, you can save offers and add items to the shopping list with a quick sign up process | We bring to you the latest information on the offers to ensure you never miss a great deal again |
Provide shoppers with all the information on promotions in an interactive and engaging manner to make shopping fun whilst saving money | We bring to you the latest information on the offers to ensure you never miss a great deal again |
- Save your offers for easy access while shopping - Simplify weekly shopping with Shopping List.