عصير عنب. كيفية عمل عصير العنب

Mehmet Alpaslan, Mehmet Hayta 2002 , , Journal of Food Engineering, Issue 1, Folder 54, Page 89-93 Jacqueline Barona, Juan Aristizabal, Christopher Blesso, and others 9-2012 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 9, Folder 142, Page 1626-1632
Gioacchino Calapai, Francesco Bonina, Andrea Bonina, and others 31-10-2017 , , Frontiers in pharmacology, Folder 8, Page 776 Amit Patel, Ashley Davis, Maria Rodriguez, and others 3-2016 , , Nutrition, Issue 3, Folder 32, Page 384-390

Connor Callaghan, Robert Leggett, and Robert Levin 17-10-2013 , , Antioxidants, Issue 4, Folder 2, Page 257-264.

طريقة عمل عصير العنب الأحمر المثلج
Sahar Soltan and Manal Shehata 2012 , , Life Science Journal, Issue 4, Folder 9, Page 2141-2151
عصير العنب
سعر كي دي دي عصير عنب أحمر
Alaa El-Din Bekhit, Vern Cheng, Michelle McConnell, and others 1-12-2011 , , Food Chemistry, Issue 3, Folder 129, Page 837-845
Emily Hohman and Connie Weaver 2-2015 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 2, Folder 145, Page 253-259 Mustali Dohadwala and Joseph Vita 9-2009 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 9, Folder 139, Page 1788S-1793S
Vishnupriya Gourineni, Neil Shay, Soonkyu Chung, and others 8-8-2012 , , Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, Issue 31, Folder 60, Page 7674-7681 Xian-Hua Zhang, Bo Huang, Soo-Kyong Choi, and others 8-2012 , , Nutrition Research and Practice, Issue 4, Folder 6, Page 286-293


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