والذين يؤذون رسول الله لهم عذاب أليم. صحاح السنة : من آذى فاطمة فقد آذى الله وله عذاب اليم

Bilamana kami bersumpah kepadanya bahwa kami tidak menyatakannya, maka dia mempercayai kami " Secondly, "It is good for yourselves that he listens patently to everyone; otherwise he would not have allowed you to put forward lame excuses for your negligence from the struggle in the Way of Allah
It is thus obvious that it is good for you that he listens to everyone First, "Though the Prophet listens to everything, he attends only to that which is good and is for the welfare of the Community, for he is not the one who would listen to or encourage mischievous things

Melayu - Basmeih : Dan di antara mereka yang munafik itu ada orangorang yang menyakiti Nabi sambil mereka berkata "Bahawa dia Nabi Muhammad orang yang suka mendengar dan percaya pada apa yang didengarnya" Katakanlah "Dia mendengar dan percaya apa yang baik bagi kamu ia beriman kepada Allah dan percaya kepada orang mukmin dan ia pula menjadi rahmat bagi orangorang yang beriman di antara kamu" Dan orangorang yang menyakiti Rasulullah itu bagi mereka azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya• They resented it very much that the Holy Prophet listened to and believed in the talk of these humble people against such "respectable" people as they.

ومنهم الذين يؤذون النبي ويقولون هو أذن ۚ قل أذن خير لكم يؤمن بالله ويؤمن للمؤمنين ورحمة للذين آمنوا منكم ۚ والذين يؤذون رسول الله لهم عذاب أليم
Accordingly, he believed only in those things about you that were conveyed to him by good and trustworthy people, who were neither liars nor tale-bearers
أذن خير اسم من أسماء النبي صلى الله تعالى عليه وسلم
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 他们中有人伤害先知,称他为耳朵,你说:他对于你们是好耳朵,他信仰真主,信任信士们,他是你们中信道者的慈恩。 Everyone can approach him freely and may say whatever he pleases, and he readily believes whatever he hears! Therefore, whatever they said about you was true and should leave been taken as true
له عذاب اليم..رشدي يعلق بشماته علي وفاة الرسام الدنماركي الذي اساء للرسول
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na miongoni mwao wapo wanao muudhi Nabii na kusema Yeye huyu ni sikio tu Sema Basi ni sikio la kheri kwenu Anamuamini Mwenyezi Mungu na ana imani na Waumini naye ni rehema kwa wanao amini miongoni mwenu Na wanao muudhi Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu watapata adhabu chungu• Somali - Abduh : waxaa ka mid ah munaafiqiinta kuwa dhiba nabiga oo dhaha waa wax walba maqle waxaad dhahdaa waa Khayr maqlihiinna wuxuuna rumayn Eebe wuxuuna u rumayn Mu'miniinta waana u naxariista kuwa rumeeyey oo idinka mid ah kuwa dhiba Rassulka Eebe waxay mudan cadaab daran• Had he not been forbearing, he would not have paid attention to your false professions of faith and hypocritical expressions of good wishes for Islam, but would have taken you to task for your mischiefs and made it difficult for you to live at AI-Madinah
Huruf lam di sini adalah lam zaidah; dimaksud untuk memberikan pengertian yang membedakan antara iman karena sadar dan iman karena faktor lainnya dan menjadi rahmat bila dibaca rafa' maka diathafkan kepada lafal udzunun, dan bila dibaca jar maka diathafkan kepada lafal khairin bagi orang-orang yang beriman di antara kalian English - Sahih International : And among them are those who abuse the Prophet and say "He is an ear" Say "[It is] an ear of goodness for you that believes in Allah and believes the believers and [is] a mercy to those who believe among you" And those who abuse the Messenger of Allah - for them is a painful punishment• Katakanlah, "Ia mempercayai mendengarkan semua yang baik bagi kalian bukannya mendengarkan hal-hal yang buruk ia beriman kepada Allah, mempercayai artinya selalu percaya orang-orang mukmin atas semua berita yang telah disampaikan mereka, akan tetapi ia tidak mempercayai orang-orang selain mereka
As he used to listen to everyone and Iet him say freely whatever he had to say, they would find fault with him, saying, "He is a credulous person " Dan orang-orang yang menyakiti Rasulullah itu, bagi mereka siksa yang pedih

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Di antara mereka orangorang munafik ada yang menyakiti Nabi dan mengatakan "Nabi mempercayai semua apa yang didengarnya" Katakanlah "Ia mempercayai semua yang baik bagi kamu ia beriman kepada Allah mempercayai orangorang mukmin dan menjadi rahmat bagi orangorang yang beriman di antara kamu" Dan orangorang yang menyakiti Rasulullah itu bagi mereka azab yang pedih• The hypocrites did not like that these true Believers should inform the Holy Prophet about their plots, mischiefs and hostile talks.

وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ آیه 61 سوره توبه
As regards those who injure the Messenger of Allah, there is a painful chastisement for them
صحاح السنة : من آذى فاطمة فقد آذى الله وله عذاب اليم
He puts his trust only in the true Believers
وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ آیه 61 سوره توبه
" Though it was a good thing that he heard everyone, the hypocrites intentionally spread it as a vice, so that the poor and humble Muslims should be kept away from coming near the Holy Prophet