حب قلبي بالانجليزي. عبارات غزل بالانجليزي

A woman like a lamp that treated her gently will light your life, and if you treat her harshly, she will electrify your life Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies• then you go so far
I did not fall in love but I walked at him steadily, I am not in love but I stand in love, and I want you with my full consciousness You have truly made me happy

My number one goal in life is to make you happy.

رسائل عشق وغرام بالانجليزي مترجمة
Where love reigns the impossible may be attained
قلبي أنت
When you gaze over at me, I feel a serious case of butterflies
اسماء رومانسية للزوج في الجوال بالانجليزي مترجمة 2021
I saw you were perfect and so I loved you
If you see a shooting star, close your eyes and make a wish Gravitation can not be held responsible for love• No one else on the planet could ever compare to you
I miss the touch that comforts me in times of despair Thank you for choosing me to be your girl

You and I, together at home, two souls as one.

اسماء حب بالانجليزي وترجمتها بالعربي للحبيب
I know I am an idiot
قلبي أنت
Always remember that you were born to love
كلام للحبيب بالإنجليزي مترجم 日 2021 日
Sometimes observing your beauty makes me absolutely speechless
It worked for me, I wished for you To love you is the first thing I want to do today, to hug you is the second
I am a fan of your smile Love is the only truth in life

What could I have possibly done to deserve something as magical and beautiful as you.

مقولات عن الحب بالانجليزي
If you want others to love you, learn how to love yourself first
إقتباسات حب بالإنجليزي 日 2021 日
I want to wear your love,I want to enter into your vast space I do not want to enter into your golden cage
كلمات حب بالانجليزي قصيرة جدا مع الترجمة
Your romantic personality makes me fall in love with you more