But in some cases, a prescription drug may be in order | You may need to nibble on something small every hour, so keep snacks in your bag, car, and workplace, and never let your stomach get too empty -- or too full, both of which can make you ill |
"It's a repetitive injury," Dr | Drugstore Cures: In addition, some women find relief in wristbands designed to prevent seasickness, such as Sea-Bands in drugstores , which work through acupressure |
An increased blood supply means you need a lot more fluid, so you can easily get dehydrated.
15Many obstetricians also suggest vitamin B6 supplements because morning sickness may be caused by a deficiency consult your doctor before taking any | About 1 percent will be diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, which means "excessive vomiting during pregnancy |
But the nausea and sometimes vomiting can occur any time |
"It was the only way I could eat," she says.