that The volunteer runs his own affairs And the process in a way that does not harm the reputation of the organization That he volunteers with | • To commit By preserving the organization's property and on The covenant delivered to him in all its forms And return it to the organization |
• And building On this what is expected from a positive volunteer Follows :• that The volunteer is keen to present and direct the work Of the highest quality possible | • Implement Tasks according to the approved structure and references In the organization |
22Non Disclosure of information about the beneficiaries of the work Volunteer | 3- Aware Because it does not represent the organization to which it belongs Only, it is a representative of the nation, its values and principles |
To commit Complete controls, regulations and policies Approved by the organization | Personal Positive : Personal Positivity is the generous, proactive personality That supports and contributes without waiting for anything, and it is A balanced personality, balanced between rights Duties and possess seriousness, and objectivity And perseverance |
Sweetening Responsibility for his volunteer work to be reflected Positive for the organization and society.
3• The platform also allows you to document your hours and issue your volunteer certificates | that Adherence to the ethical code facilitates It helps all parties involved in the work Volunteer to perform their duties with quality and efficiency High |
• To commit With the agreements and partnerships that it makes the organization | And from In order to avoid this conflict of interest it is necessary On the volunteer :• that Be aware and know the reference of inquiries About the policies and procedures in the organization |
that Be supportive of the beneficiaries around him And other volunteers, especially at the scene In which he performs his volunteer work.