ربي هب لي ملكا. فصل: باب قَوْلِهِ هَبْ لِي مُلْكًا لَا يَنْبَغِي لِأَحَدٍ مِنْ بَعْدِي إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ

--This whole story, from the beginning to the end, is nonsensical and absurd, which the converts from among the Jews and Christians took from the Talmud and other Israelite traditions and spread it among the Muslims This is supported by a Tradition of the Holy Prophet: "AIIah eradicates by the power of government those evils, which arc not eradicated by the teachings of the Qur'an
中国语文 - Ma Jian : 他说:我的主啊!求你赦宥我,求你赏赐我一个非任何人所宜继承的国权。 Melayu - Basmeih : Katanya " Wahai Tuhanku Ampunkanlah kesilapanku dan kurniakanlah kepadaku sebuah kerajaan yang tidak ada taranya dan yang tidak akan ada pada sesiapapun kemudian daripadaku; sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang sentiasa Melimpah kurniaNya "• As soon as he lost the ring he was deprived of his powers and he remained wandering from place to place for forty days; in the interval the satan continued to rule in the guise of Solomon Furthermore, though it is understandable why the Prophet Solomon asked for Allah's forgiveness on the birth of the child, one fails to understand why, along with the prayer for forgiveness, he prayed: "My Lord, grant me a kingdom as may belong to no one else after me

Some people have gone to the extent to say that during that period even the chastity of the women in the royal household did not remain safe from the satan.

تفسير دعاء سليمان في قوله تعالى رب هب لي ملكاً..
After him his ministers put Rehoboam on the throne, but not long afterwards ten tribes of Israel took northern Palestine and broke away, and only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the throne of Jerusalem
قال رب اغفر لي وهب لي ملكا لا ينبغي لأحد من بعدي ۖ إنك أنت الوهاب
" kekuatan yang dapat membantuku untuk dapat mengalahkan musuh-musuh-Mu
ملكه (صلى عليه وآله) يفوق ملك سليمان
At last from his conduct the ministers and the chiefs and the scholars of the court began to doubt that he was not Solomon
At one place the number of the wives has been stated as 60 and at others 70 or 90 or 99 or 100 What is really "worldliness" is that one should desire and acquire power for one's own interest
It is strange that some of our well known scholars took these traditions as authentic and cited them as the explanation of the allusions of the Qur'an, whereas neither is there any truth in Solomon's ring, nor could his glorious works be attributed to any ring, nor had the satans been given the power that they might disguise themselves as Prophets and mislead the people, nor can it be imagined about Allah that He would punish a Prophet for an error in such a manner as to enable a satan to corrupt and destroy a whole community, disguised as a prophet 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 你说:我的主啊!求你使我顺利而入,求你使我顺利而出,求你赏赐我从你那里发出的权柄,以作我的辅弼。 Then, no sooner did he get the ring than the jinns and men presented themselves humbly before him

" From these words no one can understand that the mere body implied the body of the Prophet Solomon himself.

منتـدى آخـر الزمـان
Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Ia berkata "Ya Tuhanku ampunilah aku dan anugerahkanlah kepadaku kerajaan yang tidak dimiliki oleh seorang juapun sesudahku sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Pemberi"• English - Sahih International : And say "My Lord cause me to enter a sound entrance and to exit a sound exit and grant me from Yourself a supporting authority"• In Bukhari itself this tradition has been related at different places in different ways
صفحات الشيخ أبي عبدالرحمن مقبل بن هادي الوادعي رحمه الله
Pengertian ungkapan ini sama dengan makna yang terkandung di dalam firman-Nya yang lain, yaitu, 'Maka siapakah yang akan memberinya petunjuk sesudah Allah? The Prophet Solomon did not make any will about his successor, nor made it binding for the people to obey a particular person
ملكه (صلى عليه وآله) يفوق ملك سليمان
Here, the question again arises as to what was the temptation in which the Prophet Solomon was involved; what is the meaning of placing a mere body on his throne, and what was the nature of the warning on the occurrence of which he repented? But the subject-matter of the Hadith is patently against reason, and proclaims aloud that such a thing could not have been said by the Holy Prophet, as reported