ابن حيان. نبذة عن جابر بن حيان

Julian, Franklyn, Dictionary of the Occult, Kessinger Publishing, 2003, , 9780766128163, p
Geber seems to have been a client of the Azd tribe established in Kufa"• Rowe, North Atlantic Books, 1998 The test measures IgE antibodies to a fixed panel of 112 components from 51 allergen in a single step It is with great pleasure that we share with you that Ibn Hayan Labs have become the local partner for one of the best Food intolerance test in the world with R-Biopharm In Germany ImuPro is a reliable food intolerance test with unique post-test guidance

; Livesey, Steven John; Wallis, Faith 2005.

ابن حيان هل خرج عن الإسلام؟
45: "The Nisba al-Azdin certainly does not necessarily indicate Arab origin
ابن حيان للصناعات الدوائية
Green, "The City of the Moon God: Religious Traditions of Harran Religions in the Graeco-Roman World ", Brill, 1992
Ibn Hayan Laboratories: Home Page
James and John Knapton, et al
Henry Corbin, "The Voyage and the Messenger: Iran and Philosophy", Translated by Joseph H
vii: "Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan, generally known merely as Jabir, was the son of a druggist belonging to the famous South Arabian tribe of Al- 182: "The ninth-century Persian alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan, also known as Geber, is accurately called pseudo-Geber since most of the works published under this name in the West were forgeries"• The Tincal Trail: A History of Borax by Edward John Cocks, Norman J


أبو حيان التوحيدي
INTRODUCTION Our company name was derived from the Arab world, Muslim Abu Abdullah - Jabir ibn Hayyan bin Abdullah al-Azdi - Abu chemistry who spread the knowledge, and covered the whole world, and we hope that our company is able to cover all the needs of customers
أبو حيان الأندلسي
19: "Ever since the Seventy Books attributed to the Persian alchemist Jabir Ibn Hayyan had been translated into Latin
تحميل كتاب المقتبس في أخبار بلد الأندلس