Integrative Plant Anatomy, Academic Press, San Diego, 186-195 | Integrative Plant Anatomy, Academic Press, San Diego, 186-195 |
Bark and Wood Boring Insects in Living Trees in Europe, a Synthesis | Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology |
Oxford Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology.
5Adney, Tappan, and Howard Irving Chapelle | Duran-Reynals, Marie Louise de Ayala |
Early tuber development from explanted stolon nodes of Solanum tuberosum var | The Fever Bark Tree; the Pageant of Quinine |
Vaucher, Hugues, and James E.
15A Popular Account of the Introduction of Chinchona Cultivation into British India | Bark and Wood Boring Insects in Living Trees in Europe, a Synthesis |
Duran-Reynals, Marie Louise de Ayala | A Popular Account of the Introduction of Chinchona Cultivation into British India |
Bark: the Formation, Characteristics, and Uses of Bark around the World.