مومياء فرعون. فرعون

Baldock, C; Hughes, SW; Whittaker, DK; Taylor, J; Davis, R; Spencer, AJ; Tonge, K; Sofat, A 1994 14-15] They only disbanded after they received knowledge of their Bible fallaciously among them
Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Translations Journal of Near Eastern Studies

The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt.

أين توجد جثة فرعون حالياً
Gewolb, Josh 28 September 2001
أين توجد جثة فرعون
Gabriel, The Great Armies of Antiquity, 6• Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
The Epigraphic Survey, Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak III: The Bubastite Portal, Oriental Institute Publications, vol
"The Geography of the Exodus", by John Van Seters, p
Dunn, Jimmy 22 August 2011 The Beit el-Wali Temple of Ramesses II

And those who inherited the Book the Bible from them are in great suspicion of it.

كم طول جثة فرعون
Webster's New World College Dictionary
كم طول فرعون
"The Curse of the Mummy Paper"
Avaris: Capital of the Hyksos - Recent Excavations