" apa yang kalian kisahkan tentang perkara Yusuf ini | According to them he was upset by the sad news and behaved like an ordinary father |
against the lies and unbelievable incident that you said had occurred |
I, however, will bear this patiently with a good grace.
26According to Mujahid, As-Suddi and several other scholars, they slaughtered a sheep, and stained Yusuf's shirt with its blood | Somali - Abduh : Waxayna la yimaadeen Qamiiskiisii oo Dhiig beena leh wuxuuna yidhi Yacquub saas ma aha ee waxay idiin Qurxisay naftiinnu arrin xaalkayguse waa Samir fiican Eebaana laga kaalmaystaa waxaad tilmaamaysaan• When we contrast this picture with the one depicted in the Qur'an, we clearly see that the Qur'anic picture is that of a dignified and great personality |
He is not upset in the least at hearing the sad news of his beloved son but at once gets to the bottom of the matter, and tells the envious brothers, "Your tale is false and fabricated |
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan bagi mengesahkan dakwaan itu mereka pula melumurkan baju Yusuf dengan darah palsu Bapa mereka berkata "Tidak Bahkan nafsu kamu memperelokkan kepada kamu suatu perkara yang tidak diterima akal Kalau demikian bersabarlah aku dengan sebaikbaiknya dan Allah jualah yang dipohonkan pertolonganNya mengenai apa yang kamu katakan itu"• He said: "Nay, but your own selves have made up a tale.