عما يتساءلون. شرح وتفسير سورة النبأ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ * عَنِ النَّبَأِ

Pronunciation [ ] This entry needs pronunciation information Note that neither of these variables has any bearing on the construction's meaning
Used with a following imperfect verb to mark the present progressive tense Common possibilities follow, demoed using the phrase "I'm eating, he's eating":• Verbs of movement use the active participle in order to express the present progressive


حذف الألف من (ما) الاستفهامية
If you are familiar with the then please add some! A following verb in the 1st person singular is in the present tense, the subjuctive is not common
إسلام ويب
Used with a following subjunctive or present tense verb to mark the present progressive tense
شرح وتفسير سورة النبأ يَتَسَاءَلُونَ * عَنِ النَّبَأِ
For verbs, except in the 1st person singular, there are two options:• The distribution of the two pronunciations, as well as of the b-prefix on the verb, varies by speaker and region
These are not constants, however


سورة النبأ مكتوبة كاملة بالتشكيل
عما يتساءلون