فتاق الخصيه. فتق

GBD 2013 Mortality and Causes of Death, Collaborators 17 December 2014 Does a truss benefit a patient with inguinal hernia? The New England Journal of Medicine
Groin hernia: Inguinal and femoral repair Kamtoh G, Pach R, Kibil W, Matyja A, Solecki R, Banas B, Kulig J

Trudie A Goers; Washington University School of Medicine Department of Surgery; Klingensmith, Mary E; Li Ern Chen; Sean C Glasgow 2008.

حقائق هامة عن الخصية: أسئلة وأجوبة
Rev Esp Enferm Dig, 101 5 , 357-366
أسباب انتفاخ الخصيتين عند الأطفال.. هكذا تتعامل معه
Sohail MR, Smilack JD June 2004
الفتق الأربي وفتق الخصية: دليلك الشامل
Morgagni-Larrey parasternal diaphragmatic hernia in the adult
Effectiveness of mesh hernioplasty in incarcerated inguinal hernias
Classification, clinical features and diagnosis of inguinal and femoral hernias in adults


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