تحديد عمر العقل. اختبار تحديد عمر القلب

The makers are unknown, but may be early Homo Thompson, Bert 1977 , Theistic Evolution Shreveport, LA: Lambert
Recent research suggests that the some australopithecines were capable of a precision grip, like that of humans but unlike apes, which would have meant they were capable of making stone tools Journal of Human Evolution, 16:741-61

This small-brained, large-toothed hominid was found near antelope bones which had been butchered by stone tools Asfaw et al.

اختبار العمر العقلي ونسبة الذكاء
6 million year old fossil from Kenya, WT 40000, has been assigned to a new species and genus, Kenyanthropus platyops
اختبار عمر الدماغ
Swift, JQ; Nelson, WJ September 2012
د. وليد ابودهن: هل من فرق بين المخ والعقل والدماغ؟
erectus skull, OL 45500, have been discovered at Olorgesailie in Kenya
The brain size can not be measured directly, but from the size of the bones the skull is similar in size to the two larger Dmanisi skulls D2280 and D2282 and so probably in the 650-800 cc range , which is small for erectus Apr 2010: Two partial skeletons assigned to a new species, Australopithecus sediba, were discovered at Malapa in South Africa in 2008
Thompson, Bert 1995 , Creation Compromises Montgomery, AL: Apologetics Press American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 25:1-91

Apr 1999: A new species, Australopithecus garhi, has been named from fossils found near Bouri in Ethiopia, by a joint Ethiopian, American and Japanese team.

هل اكتشافات الهياكل العظميه تثبت تحريف الكتاب وهل اخطا الكتاب في تحديد عمر البشريه ؟
Apr 2003: A new study has claimed an age of over 4 million years for the australopithecine skeleton Little Foot from South Africa
التنمية البشرية والعقل الباطن
This brings the number of known Neandertal mtDNA sequences to eight, all of which are closely related, and considerably different from all modern human mtDNA sequences
متى يجب خلع ضرس العقل؟ وأبرز المعلومات
boisei skull is one of the most complete known, and the first known with an associated cranium and lower jaw