بحر تيمور. بحر آرافورا

" From the beginning of the invasion in 1975, the widespread amount of killing that occurred was staggering, with hundreds being executed on docks in Dili and being thrown into the sea Charny,Israel W Human Rights Data Analysis Group HRDAG
" William Burr and Michael L Since each data source used under-reports actual deaths, this is considered a minimum

Access date: January 3, 2007.

تيمور الشرقية
Norwegian energy and Water Resources Directorate NVE 2004 , Iralalaro Hydropower Project Environmental Assessment• New Haven and London: Yale University Press
اين يقع بحر تيمور
Fernandes, Clinton 2004 Reluctant Saviour: Australia, Indonesia and East Timor• A Report to the Commission on Reception, Truth and Reconciliation of Timor-Leste
تعليق: بحر تيمور بحاجة إلى محادثات بنية مخلصة وليس استئسادا بمعايير مزدوجة_emailvalidation.com
,, National Security Archive, December 6, 2001 Jimmy Carter, during his first year in office, authorized 112 million dollars worth of military arms to Indonesia We understand the problem and the intentions you have
Two days before the invasion of , and met President in where Ford said "We will understand and will not press you on the issue Give contextual explanation and translation from your sites! in East Timor, with a toll of 150,000 in a population of 650,000, clearly meet a range of sociological definitions of used by most scholars of the phenomenon, who see both political and ethnic groups as possible victims of

Encyclopedia of Genocide Volume I.

بحر تيمور(بحر تيمور) (شواطئ وجزر)
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بحر آرافورا
Denver: Abc Clio , as many as 60,000 being slaughtered within the first few months of the invasion
بحر تيمور
Benetech Human Rights Data Analysis Group 9 February 2006
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" Kissinger added: "It is important that whatever you do succeeds quickly [because] the use of US-made arms could create problems New Haven and London: Yale University Press

From 1975 until 1993, attacks on civilian populations were only nominally reported in the Western press.

بحر آرافورا
The architecture of modern political power
أين تقع دولة تيمور
McKee, oil and gas expert engineer, Lecturer, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia
معلومات عامة عن دولة أستراليا