On 8 November 2019, Larsson's next single, "", taken from the 2019 movie , the first original animated feature film released on , was released on the same day the film was released | ב- היא תוגמלה בפרמיה על "ביטוי אומנותי לחברות עמים של ו" |
Zara became the biggest retailer in the world to raise awareness for the Detox Campaign, and switched to a fully toxic-free production | She said that China is "not a nice state" and that she does not stand behind its policies |
On 12 May 2017, Larsson released a music video for "" as the sixth single from So Good, with "" being released as the seventh single from the album on 11 August 2017.
1In the speech, she talked about her life, her music career, her views, others' reactions to her, and her feelings about all of it | The RFID chips are located in the security tags which are removed from clothing when purchased and can be reused |
She has a sister, Hanna, who is 3 years younger and is a singer and member of the band Lennix | בישראל בשנת קיבלה רשת "" את ה לשיווק מוצרי זארה ב וב נפתחה החנות הראשונה ב |
In January 2015, Larsson gained a lot of positive attention in Sweden and the United States after posting a picture on her showing a wrapped around her leg and foot in response to boys' concern that their were too big to fit a condom around it.
צילום: יחצ חול זארה נשים, ZARA צילום: יחצ חול ZARA MAN | ב-2 בדצמבר העלתה לארסון סרטון כתוביות לשיר "" |
Whittaker, whom she in 2015, but did not meet until two years later | לכבוד המופע זארה הוציאה לאור אלבום חדש בשם "מילימטרים" |
Zara removed the shirt from sale a few hours after they appeared for sale, and apologized.