علاج الاكتئاب الحاد. امرض لاكتئاب: الأسباب، الأعراض وطرق العلاج

Safety of infant exposure to antidepressants and benzodiazepines through breastfeeding Common questions about the pharmacologic management of depression in adults
National Institute of Mental Health Drug-drug interactions DDIs in psychiatric practice — Part 6: Pharmacodynamic considerations

National Institute of Mental Health.

ما هو الاكتئاب الحاد وكيفية علاجه وطرق الوقاية منه؟
National Institute of Mental Health
مدة علاج الاكتئاب الحاد وماذا يحدث بعد انتهاء المدة؟
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
ما هو الاكتئاب الحاد؟ تعرف عليه
Natural medicines in the clinical management of depression
Depression: What you need to know National Alliance on Mental Illness
Risks of antidepressants during pregnancy: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs Monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIs for treating depressed adults

In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5.

علاج الاكتئاب بدون دواء
A systematic meta-review of predictors of antidepressant treatment outcome in major depressive disorder
علاج الاكتئاب الحاد والتخلص منه نهائيا في 6 خطوات
Depression: FDA-approved medications may help
أعشاب للاكتئاب الحاد
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention