حروف الجر بالانجليزي. حروف الجر الانجليزية in on at شرح بالتفصيل

on time That palace was built … That palace was built in the 14th century
across He goes …… the stairs quickly before anybody saw him:• Backed by a world-class team of academic and technical experts, plus two thousand certified online English teachers, our mission is to use technology to create a fundamentally better way to learn English


هذا هو الفرق بين حروف الجر الانجليزية in on at
they often go on holiday …………………………
تعلم الانجليزية
درس الانجليزية 4
The bluebird is in front of the box
The pink cage is above the box
The bear is next to the green bag behind The box is …… the pink cage:• in — on I was sitting ……… the driver …… back seat of the car

across We took a ferry …… the river:• is he coming ……………………………… Tuesday night? on Taxi never arrives …….

حروف الجر الانجليزية
Then he came down again
حروف الجر الانجليزية: بعض الأخطاء الشائعة في استخدامها
The ball is next to the box
الدرس السادس: وسائل النقل ، قاعدة حروف الجر by , on , in
in front of The green bag is ……