طائر الايمو. ثقافة عامة ومعلومات غريبة عن الطبيعة والحيوانات والعلوم !

; Rich, Patricia Vickers 1987 Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, State of Queensland Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale Group

"Astronomical Symbolism in Australian Aboriginal Rock Art".

حرب الإيمو
The Wanderings of an Entomologist
معلومات عجيبة عن الطيور
"Does dingo predation control the densities of kangaroos and emus? : Rural Industries Research and Development Corp
تعرّف على أشهر 8 حيوانات أصبحت رموزاً لدول
Christidis, Les; Boles, Walter 2008
"Maternal effects of egg size on emu Dromaius novaehollandiae egg composition and hatchling phenotype" Leaf and branch: Trees and tall shrubs of Perth
"The heat load from solar radiation on a large, diurnally active bird, the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae " New South Wales: Office of Environment and Heritage

Arrernte Foods: Foods from Central Australia.

"Thermoregulation in a large bird, the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae "
اخطر 5 انواع طيور في العالم بالصور والاسماء
"Comparison of the antioxidant properties of emu oil with other avian oils"
إزالة اثار الحروق: علاجات من الطب والطبيعة
Vieillot, Louis Jean Pierre 1816
" 'Feathered foes': soldier settlers and Western Australia's 'Emu War' of 1932" "Endocrine and testicular changes in a short-day seasonally breeding bird, the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae , in southwestern Australia"
West Australian, 4 March 1932, quoted in Johnson 2006 , p152• "Seed dispersal by emus on the New South Wales north-east coast" "The natural history of the emu in comparison with that of other ratites"

United States Department of Agriculture.

10 من أخطر أنواع الطيور في العالم بالصور
"Genetic evidence for mixed parentage in nests of the emu Dromaius novaehollandiae "
أنواع بيض الطيور
"Ancient DNA suggests dwarf and 'giant' emu are conspecific"
طائر الإيمو (النعام الاسترالي)
; Huynen, Leon; Lambert, David M