البحث الاسترشادي. معايير تقييم البحث العلمي وتقويم البحث العلمي

, "Zenventures: Unwind your Imagination with Guided Meditation" , Hotspots in trauma memories in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: A replication
, Meditation and positive mental health , Emotion and two kinds of meaning: Cognitive therapy and applied cognitive science

, Receptive methods in music therapy: Techniques and clinical applications for music therapy clinicians, educators, and students.

معايير تقييم البحث العلمي وتقويم البحث العلمي
, A pilot study of mind-body changes in adults with asthma who practice mental imagery
التأمل الاسترشادي
, Enhanced sensory perception in synaesthesia
التصنيف الوطني للأنشطة الاقتصادية (ISIC4)
, Stress Management Techniques: evidence-based procedures that reduce stress and promote health , Music and Meditation: The Therapeutics of Sound
, Predictors of analogue post-traumatic intrusive cognitions Mindfulness and Hypnosis: The Power of Suggestion to Transform Experience

, Effects of guided imagery on outcomes of pain, functional status, and self-efficacy in persons diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

التأمل الاسترشادي
, Imagery in multi-modal object learning
نموذج مشروع البحث للصف الثالث الإعدادي الأزهري
, Sound meditation in oncological rehabilitation: a pilot study of a receptive music therapy group using the monochord
تأسيس الشركات
, Contextual representations increase analogue traumatic intrusions: Evidence against a dual-representation account of peri-traumatic processing
, Cognitive bias modification using mental imagery for depression: Developing a novel computerised intervention to change negative thinking styles , Use of a consumer-led intervention to improve provider competencies
Acute effects of stress-reduction Interactive Guided Imagery SM on salivary cortisol in overweight Latino adolescents , Fear behavior, fear imagery, and the psychophysiology of emotion: The problem of affective response integration

, A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation for chronic insomnia.

تحميل نموذج قالب بحث فارغ doc لطلاب الازهر لعمل الابحاث وكيفية عمل البحث بالخطوات
, Neural foundations of imagery
التصنيف الوطني للأنشطة الاقتصادية (ISIC4)
, Effects of relaxation with guided imagery on surgical stress and wound healing
القوالب الجاهزة للأبحاث.. تحميل النماذج الاسترشادية للابتدائية والإعدادية
, Mental imagery in emotion and emotional disorders