الأعمال القصيرة المدى يكون إنجازها في أكثر من أسبوع إلى شهر أو فصل دراسي.. هدف

Amsterdam University Press, , p Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Garssen, Joop, Han Nicolaas and Arno Sprangers 2005 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

"CIA World Factbook: Official languages per country".

Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, p
"Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being"
The preponderance of the Dutch population lived in two provinces, Holland and Zeeland
"Pursuing personal goals:Skills enable progress but not all progres is beneficial" Access date: 9 February 2007
De uittocht uit Indie 1945—1995 The first settlement, however, in Suriname in 1630 was made by an Englishman, whose name is still preserved by Marshall's Creek

Boot, 'De Nederlandse Gezondheidszorg', Bohn Stafleu van Loghum 2011• Sayle, Murray 5 April 2001.

Thereafter the growth leveled off, so that the population of the whole country remained at the 2 million level throughout the 18th century; De Vries and Van der Woude, pp
History of the Low Countries 1998
Vasileva, Katya 2011 , Eurostat, Statistics in focus vol
The making of Dutch towns: A study in urban development from the 10th—17th centuries 1960• Retrieved on 21 August 2012 De openbare lichamen vallen rechtstreeks onder het Rijk omdat zij geen deel uitmaken van een provincie
Retrieved on 21 August 2012 "Avoidance personal goals and the personality-illness relationship"

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: StatLine
حل كتاب الطالب مادة الاجتماعيات الوحدة الرابعة التخطيط والهوايات
The Dutch Republic: Its Rise, Greatness, and Fall 1477—1806 1995• Reaney, Patricia 14 January 2014
الأعمال القصيرة المدى يكون إنجازها في أكثر من أسبوع إلى شهر أو فصل دراسي
Note: Of the 296,200 so-called Dutch 'repatriants' only 92,200 were expatriate Dutchmen born in the Netherlands