— superficially similar to a suspension bridge, but cables from the towers directly support the roadway, rather than the road being suspended indirectly by additional cables from the main cables connecting two towers | However in a rope bridge the deck itself is suspended from the anchored piers and the guardrails are non-structural |
, China , 1377 m — 1997 longest span with both road and metro• , 1650 m — 2007• , 1991 m — 1998• — combining elements of a suspension bridge and a cable-stayed bridge | whether , , , or etc |
China , 1490 m — 2005• The , a double-decked suspension bridge that connects two states, and.
, , 1410 m — 1981 | The longest span from 1981 until 1998 |
USA , 1280 m — 1937 | , 1624 m — 1998• China , 1385 m — 1997• |
— a modern implementation of the rope bridge using steel cables, although either the upper guardrail or lower footboard cables may be the main structural cables.