وما كان الله معذبهم وهم يستغفرون. وما كان الله معذبهم وهم يستغفرون

------------------------------------------ Malay Dan Allah tidak sekali-kali akan menyeksa mereka, sedang engkau wahai Muhammad ada di antara mereka; dan Allah tidak akan menyeksa mereka sedang mereka beristighfar meminta ampun Dan tiada suatu umat pun yang diazab melainkan setelah nabi dan kaum mukminin keluar daripadanya
''' Ibn Abbas commented, "They had two safety shelters: the Prophet, and their seeking forgiveness from Allah The time for such a scourge comes when a Prophet who has spared no efforts to reform his people feels that he has exhausted all his efforts, and concludes that his people have no justification to persist in their iniquity, and departs from that land or is banished from it by its people or is murdered by them

Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Dan Allah sekalikali tidak akan mengazab mereka sedang kamu berada di antara mereka Dan tidaklah pula Allah akan mengazab mereka sedang mereka meminta ampun• Dan tidaklah pula Allah akan mengazab mereka, sedang mereka meminta ampun ------------------------------------------ Swahili Na Mwenyezi Mungu hakuwa wa kuwaadhibu nawe umo pamoja nao, wala Mwenyezi Mungu si wa kuwaadhibu na hali ya kuwa wanaomba msamaha.

تفسير: (وما كان الله ليعذبهم وأنت فيهم وما كان الله معذبهم وهم يستغفرون)
English - Sahih International : But Allah would not punish them while you [O Muhammad] are among them and Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness• 中国语文 - Ma Jian : 你在他们中间的时候,真主是不会惩治他们的,他们正在求饶的时候,真主也不致于惩治他们。 --------------------------------------- quranic posters surat Al-Anfal ------------------------------------ English But Allah would not punish them while you, [O Muhammad], are among them, and Allah would not punish them while they seek forgiveness
Swahili - Al-Barwani : Na Mwenyezi Mungu hakuwa wa kuwaadhibu nawe umo pamoja nao wala Mwenyezi Mungu si wa kuwaadhibu na hali ya kuwa wanaomba msamaha• The Commentators of the Qurメan said: モThis was revealed about al-Nadr ibn al-Harith who said: [O Allah! I will keep forgiving them, as long as they keep invoking Me for forgiveness
فصل: تفسير الآية رقم (33):
' Al-Hakim said, "Its chain is Sahih and they did not record it
Melayu - Basmeih : Dan Allah tidak sekalikali akan menyeksa mereka sedang engkau wahai Muhammad ada di antara mereka; dan Allah tidak akan menyeksa mereka sedang mereka beristighfar meminta ampun• Second, if there are a good number of people in a land who recognize that they have been negligent and heedless and have been guilty of iniquity, who seek God's forgiveness and strive to reform themselves, there remains no legitimate ground for subjecting them to a heavenly scourge ] If what Muhammad says is true, then rain down stones on usメ ヤ
" Dan menurut suatu pendapat dikatakan bahwa orang-orang yang meminta ampunan itu adalah orang-orang lemah dari kalangan kaum mukminin yang tinggal bersama dengan orang-orang kafir sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan oleh firman-Nya, "Sekiranya mereka tidak bercampur-baur, tentulah Kami akan mengazab orang-orang kafir di antara mereka dengan azab yang pedih In response it was explained why people were spared heavenly scourge during the Makkan period of the Prophet's life

The Prophet went away, and only seeking forgiveness remained.

((وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَهُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ))‎
Such people are rather granted respite and are not deprived of the opportunity to reform themselves by sending a scourge all too quickly
And when they said: O Allah! Somali - Abduh : Eebase ma aha kii Cadaaba Adoo Dhexjooga mana aha mid Cadaaba iyagoo Dambi dhaaf warsan• This was narrated by Bukhari from Ahmad ibn al-Nadr and by Muslim from Abd Allah ibn Muadh
وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَهُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ
I will go on luring Your servants as long as their souls are still in their bodies