مجموعة العشرين 2020. قمة قادة مجموعة العشرين

USD 2019 USD 2019 USD 2019 2018 Population 2018 Area km 2 economy classification 127 477,743 920,209 10,667 20,537 0 1 762,259 1,924,253 23,187 55,944 0
Investing in infrastructure, and developing effective frameworks for private sector participation in infrastructure financing 1 1,417,003 1,369,392 56,698 52,373 0

Bosco, David 19 April 2012.

قمة مجموعة العشرين G20 2020 تُعقد افتراضيا في المملكة العربية السعودية.. ولقاحات كورونا التحدي الأكبر
Strengthening the role of emerging technologies to serve the digital economy, and improving the tools of global economic systems
مجموعة العشرين تصنع فرص من وباء 2020
707 265,316,000 1,904,569 Y Y Y Emerging 1,047
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's G20 Presidency
758 1,396,982,000 9,634,057 Y Y Emerging 1,227
7 2,971,996 11,468,022 2,016 7,874 0 938 25,182,000 7,692,024 Y Y Y Y Advanced 650
The 2020 G20 meetings will be discussing the following:• Empowering women by removing economic inequalities between the sexes, and supporting initiatives that benefit women Employing youth and preparing them for the labor market, especially those who are not involved in education or training

The G20 brings together the leaders of both developed and developing countries from every continent.

مجموعة العشرين تتعهد ببذل كل ما يمكن للتغلب على جائحة كورونا
The Group of Twenty, or the G20, is the premier forum for international economic cooperation
مجموعة العشرين تصنع فرص من وباء 2020
Safeguarding the Planet, by fostering collective efforts on food and water security, climate, energy and environment
قمة قادة مجموعة العشرين
Database updated in April 2019
891 65,098,000 640,679 Y Y Y Y Advanced 2,834 3,963,880 4,467,238 48,670 52,559 0 647 1,334,221,000 3,287,263 Y Y Y Emerging 368
761 210,869,000 8,515,767 Y Y Emerging 910 1,739,110 1,896,725 46,733 49,651 0 Throughout the year, representatives from G20 countries gather to discuss financial and socioeconomic issues

939 82,786,000 357,114 Y Y Y Y Advanced 830.

قمة مجموعة العشرين الرياض 2020
In hosting the G20, the Kingdom will have an important role to play by sharing the perspective of the Middle East and North Africa region
قمة مجموعة العشرين G20 2020 تُعقد افتراضيا في المملكة العربية السعودية.. ولقاحات كورونا التحدي الأكبر
6 5,176,205 5,749,550 39,306 44,227 0
مجموعة العشرين تصنع فرص من وباء 2020
Shaping New Frontiers, by adopting long-term and bold strategies to share benefits of innovation and technological advancement