سهم عطاء تداول. شركة عطاء التعليمية تعلن عن نتائج الربع الثالث المنتهي في 30 أبريل 2021

Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 9 1 , 107—124 Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 40, 403—422
"Executive compensation, share repurchases and investment expenditures: Econometric evidence from US firms"

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 173, 631—656.

تثبيت تعريف العطاء
Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 9 1 , 107—124
أخبار سهم شركة عطاء التعليمية
"An econometric analysis of dividends and share repurchases by US firms"
شركة عطاء التعليمية تعلن عن نتائج الربع الثالث المنتهي في 30 أبريل 2021
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 173, 631—656
"Executive compensation, share repurchases and investment expenditures: Econometric evidence from US firms" Share repurchases, signalling effect and implications for corporate governance: Evidence from India
Share repurchases, signalling effect and implications for corporate governance: Evidence from India Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 40, 403—422

"An econometric analysis of dividends and share repurchases by US firms".

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السعر والرسم البياني ل‎4292‎
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