خصائص الماء. بحث عن خصائص الماء

"Association between water consumption and body weight outcomes: a systematic review" ; Dasa, Tirtha Pratim; Sreelathaa, P
Crocket, Christopher 5 September 2015 " 'Direct' evidence for water H2O in the sunlit lunar ambience from CHACE on MIP of Chandrayaan I"

"Water Vapor, Possible Comets, Found Orbiting Star", 11 July 2001,.

الماء : اهم مصادر الماء واستخداماته وخصائصه ومصادر تلوثه
Hoekstra AY, Chapagain AK 2007
خواص الماء
"Influence of water drinking on resting energy expenditure in overweight children"
علماء يكتشفون خصائص الماء العلاجية
Dubnov-Raz G, Constantini NW, Yariv H, Nice S, Shapira N October 2011
and Christian, Elizabeth W 2007 "New Light on the Heart of Darkness of the Solar Chromosphere"
Chicago: University of Chicago Press Carr, Travis Barman, Alexander J

; Fohn, Joe 12 December 2013.

تحضير خصائص المــاء وحدة المــــاء المستوى الثاني رياض الاطفال
Noakes TD, Goodwin N, Rayner BL, Branken T, Taylor RK 2005
بحث عن الماء
Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, pp
Dennis EA; Dengo AL; Comber DL; et al