الحسن اليامي. الحسن اليامي يودع الملاعب بلقب عميد لاعبي زين و100 هدف لنجران

al-Yami nahm an der teil und war Teil der Mannschaft, die in einem Gruppenspiel gegen mit 0:8 verlor International career [ ] He played for the national team during the 2002 gulf tournament and was a very effective member
He scored three goals during that tournament Club career [ ] management offered him 250,000 to move to Jeddah and play for , then in 2005 he came back to Najran

in der Datenbank der englisch Einzelnachweise [ ]• in der Datenbank von weltfussball.

Most of his career has been played at the Saudi Arabian football club
Al Hasan Al
He featured in the Football and was part of the infamous team that was beaten 8-0 in a group match against


Al Hasan Al
كتب الحسن اليامي


ما لا تعرفه عن الحسن اليامي .. من هو؟ سيرته الذاتية، إنجازاته وأقواله، معلومات عن الحسن اليامي
Al Hasan Al
Al Hasan Al